Participating in a pool

Participating in a fixed swap auction pool

State 1: Checking out the IDO pool of your choice

Visit TaalSwap IDO Website, find the pool you want to join, and browse the basic information about the pool.

Checking out pools on TaalSwap landing page

Pool Information

  • Ratio: Exchange rate of project token to ETH

  • Maximum: Maximum purchasable amount in ETH

  • Access: Project Type - Public or Private

  • Participants: Number of investors currently joining the pool

  • Total Raise: Amount of ETH currently raised

  • Start Date: IDO-starting Date

  • End Date: IDO-ending Date

  • Progress: Fund-raising progress state

Checking out pools from the project list

Finding pools by category or search is also possible.

Stage 2: Participating in a pool

You can now join the pool of your choice as an investor by clicking on [Details] button.

You can participate in the pool of your choice by clicking on an item on the project list.

You can only participate in a pool labelled as 'Live'.

Read ‘Token Safety Alert’ and check ‘I Understand’ to proceed. (You have to participate in the pool of your choice at your own risk.)

Page for IDO pool participation (pending pool )

Page for IDO pool participation (active pool)

Stage 3: Participating in a pool

Pool status information

Entering the amount of tokens to purchase (Att.: Check the minimum and maximum amount of tokens purchasable per wallet.)

Automatically returns to 'My Projects' tab.

Stage 4 : Claiming tokens purchased

Finding the participating project from 'My Projects' tab

When IDO has succeeded (Claim the purchased tokens.)

When IDO has failed (Claim the refund of ETHs.)

Completed IDOs is liquidated regardless of IDO success or failure.

Clicking on 'Claim' button

Adding the purchased tokens to MetaMask wallet by clicking on 'Add Tokens' button.

Receiving the purchased tokens by clicking on 'Claim Tokens'

Requesting the ETH refund when IDO failed

Last updated