Creating a pool
TaalSwap currently offers fixed swap auction pools only. Sealed-bid auction and Dutch auction will also be available soon.
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TaalSwap currently offers fixed swap auction pools only. Sealed-bid auction and Dutch auction will also be available soon.
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To create a fixed swap auction pool (i.e., to launch IDO of your project), select ‘Apply for IDO’ from the side-menu and press ‘Apply For IDO’ button.
Read 'TaalSwap IDO Governance' and press 'Fill in Your Application' button.
The IDO application form is pretty much self-contained. Just fill in the given items with correct information and felicitous descriptions. If you want immediate token swap and distribution, then activate the ‘Atomic’ option.
Project Name: Input the name of IDO token sale (E.g., TAL Public, TAL Private, etc.)
Select Chain: Select a blockchain network (ERC20, BSC, Klaytn and HECO). TaalSwap currently supports ERC20 only. Cross-chain IDO will be available soon.
Token Contract Address: Token address for IDO token sale
Trade Value (in ETH): Token price (Att.: The value should be in ETH (E.g. 0.00002).
Total Raise (Total # of tokens for sale): The number of tokens to sell
Min. Fund Raise (Min. # of tokens to be sold): The minimum number of tokens to be sold for IDO success. (Att.: If your input value is 0, your IDO token sale will be liquidated regardless of sales number. If it's not 0, the token sale is validated when the number of sold tokens satisfies the minimum value set by this entry. Otherwise, the investors will be reimbursed for the tokens they purchased.)
Access: Type of token sale (In the case of 'Private', only whitelisted wallets are eligible for purchasing tokens. Whitelisted wallets can be added on the Admin page.
Min. Allocation (Min. # of tokens allowed per wallet): Minimum amount of tokens allowed per wallet
Max. Allocation(Max. # of tokens allowed per wallet): Maximum amount of tokens per wallet
Start Date: Starting date of IDO (Att.: It should be later than the time of submitting the IDO application. It should also be set in consideration with allowing lead time (i.e., processing time for project review and approval) before IDO launching.
End Date : Closing Date of IDO (Att.: Even if IDO is successful, operations such as token claim and liquidation will be IDO executed after the closing date of IDO.)
Fee Amount (> 2%) : IDO platform fee (Att.: It should be greater than 2%.)
Project Name: Title of your IDO project (E.g., TaalSwap Finance)
Category: Choosing a project type (Att.: Multiple choice is possible.)
Website URL: Project-introducing website address
ICON URL: URL link to the symbol icon of project token (Att.: The image format must be in SVG.
Email Address: Designated e-mail address for project marketing
Twitter Account: Twitter account of Project
Telegram Handle: Twitter account of Project
Medium Link : Medium link of Project
Description: Brief introduction to Project
Password : Password of IDO application (Att.: It is needed for operations after IDO approval.)
Atomic : Immediate token swap and distribution
On pressing the ‘Connect Wallet’ button, your project token wallet will be connected and your project, listed as a candidate pool for TaalSwap council’s reviewing and voting. As the listing process advances, the status of your project will change from 'Candidate' stepwise to 'Deployed', 'Approved' and 'Deployed', 'Upcoming' and 'Live'. When your IDO is fulfilled, your project pool is labelled as 'Accomplished'.
Only MetaMask and WalletConnect are currently supported. In case of using a mobile-installed wallet, WalletConnect must be used.
IDO State Code
Candidate: Your application is submitted to TaalSwap council.
Approved: Your application is approved by the council, which will be notified by email.
Deployed & Upcoming: After you deploy your project on your Admin Page, your project pool will be labelled as ‘Upcoming’.
Live: When your project reaches the start date of IDO, your pool will be labelled as 'Live' and available to investors.
When the starting date of IDO comes, 'Upcoming' state switches to 'Live' state from which IDO participation is possible.
After fixed swap contract migration for IDO, be sure to go to 'Admin' page. Perform 'Approve' and 'Fund' task and check if the pool state switches to 'Upcoming' which means that IDO is ready for launching.
Go to 'Admin' page.